Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The struggle is literally being born, this is NOT your typical conflict.

The fight to exist?

          In every tale there is a conflict, in this tale of my creation the conflict is the creation itself.  There are no battles, no enemies, only the fight to exist. What is this battle I fought? The battle to exist is one of coming into the world ( though I came silently). I came into the world in an egg, so the battle is not one of making myself, that was done by my 'parents'. Rather the fight was the one of willing to move and live. I sat for days with my own gleaming eyes transfixed upon heaven, and could have sat there forever. A decision, which is made by two differing thoughts. I decided to live and move, not contemplate the stars(who does something so boring anyways). I choose the wise path, and became the immortal Monkey King. Otherwise, I would still be standing as still as statue( quite literally, being made of stone and all that).

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